“Your privacy is important to us”

We understand your privacy is important. This website privacy policy describes our practices regarding information received about you during visits to the Site and supplements our Privacy Notice. "Site" means and includes any and all websites maintained by any of the Tired of Debt Loan Services and all its subsidiaries and affiliates. The terms "we," "us," "our," or "Site Sponsor," as used on this website, mean and include any all of the Tired of Debt Loan Services companies. The term "you" refers to you as an individual person and, in the case of a corporation or other business entity, that business entity and you as a person authorized by that business entity to enter into and bind the business entity to these Terms of Use.


Site Sponsor's employees, representatives, agents and selected third parties may collect information about our customers and other visitors to this site including, but not limited to aggregate information concerning :

  • E-mail address and content
  • Domain name and IP address (e.g., used to access the Internet
  • Internet address from which the visitor linked to the Site (e.g.,
  • Type of web browsing software used to view the Site
  • Date, time, and length of visit to the Site


Cookies are small files containing alphanumeric characters that are used to identify your computer's browser. Site Sponsor may send one or more Cookies to your computer to monitor your experience on the Site, and to allow us to improve the Site to better serve our customers and other users. Cookies may also be used to improve the security of the Site. No personally identifiable information about you, such as your name or social security number, is embedded in these Cookies.
A Web Beacon is an electronic image (1x1 gif) located within a certain web page. In some cases, Site Sponsor may use a Web Beacon to analyze traffic and transactions on this Site. No personally identifiable information about you, such as your name or social security number, is collected by any Site Sponsor Web Beacon.
In cases where you may enter the Site from a third party site, such as a search engine or referral site, those sites may use Cookies and/or Web Beacons to monitor their own performance, traffic, etc. You must consult the privacy policy of each site, particularly at any sites provided by third parties, in order to determine what information about you is collected and how that information is used.
Third party vendors, including Google, may show our ads on the internet. Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads on a user's prior visits to our Site. You may opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.
Your browser should allow you to manage Cookies, and it may allow you to manage Web Beacons, used by various websites. However, if your browser's settings are too restrictive you may not be able to use all of the features of a website, including this Site.


We may also disclose your personal information to credit reference agencies (CRAs) and Fraud Prevention Agencies (FPAs), along with the details of your agreement, payments made and any default or failure to maintain the terms of the agreement. When CRAs receive a search from us they will place a search footprint on your credit file that may be seen by other lenders. They supply to us both public (including the electoral register) and shared credit and fraud prevention information. If you give us false or inaccurate information and we suspect or identify fraud we will record this and may also pass this information to FPAs and other organizations involved in crime and fraud prevention. If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information.
We and other organizations may also access and use this information to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when :

  • Checking details on applications for credit and credit related or other facilities
  • Managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities
  • Recovering debt
  • Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance
  • Checking details of job applicants and employees.

We and other organizations may access and use from other countries the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies. Please contact us Toll-free: 1-800-417-6360-Ext. 7160 if you want to receive details of the relevant fraud prevention agencies.


• Keeping your account information accurate and up to date is very important. If you ever have questions or issues with the accuracy of your nonpublic personal information, please contact us at the following phone number or write us at the following address:
1-800-417-6360-Ext. 7160, Tired of Debt Loan Services, 6001 Adobe Road, 29 Palms CA, 92277.
We will promptly investigate your concerns and update our records as needed
• We request that you keep your information as up to date as possible so that you may get the maximum benefit from Site Sponsor. In particular, please make sure that you inform us of e-mail address changes since this is the most rapid way to communicate.


Messages sent via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be absolutely secure and they are subject to possible interception, loss or alteration. We are not responsible for any messages which are lost, altered by third parties or intercepted and we will not be liable to you or anyone else for any damages or otherwise in connection with any message sent by you to us or by us to you via the Internet.


  • Site Sponsor uses multiple levels of security regardless of the delivery channel you choose. We maintain personally identifying information in secure computer systems and we limit employee access to those with a business reason to see it. More specifically, employees may access information about you when needed to maintain your accounts or otherwise meet your needs. We safeguard information according to established security standards and procedures. Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these information principles.
  • Site Sponsor is protected by a system of filtering routers and firewalls, which form a barrier between the outside Internet and the internal network. The filtering router verifies the source and destination of each network packet, and determines whether or not to let the packet through. Access is denied if the packet is not directed at a specific, available service.
The firewall is used to shield Site Sponsor's client service network from the Internet. All incoming IP traffic is actually addressed to the firewall, which is designed to allow only e-mail into the client service environment. Traffic through the firewall is subjected to a special proxy process which operates in much the same way as a filtering router, verifying the source and destination of each information packet.
The proxy then changes the IP address of the packet to deliver it to the appropriate site within the client service network. In this way, all inside addresses are protected from outside access, and the structure of Site Sponsor’s internal networks is invisible to outside observers.


  • This Site may, from time to time, contain links to other Internet websites, banner ads or advertisements for the convenience of users in locating information and services that may be of interest. If you use those linked Internet websites or advertisements, you may leave this Site and go to websites that we do not control. If you decide to visit those Internet sites or advertisers, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to read and comply with the privacy statement on those websites. Your right to privacy on linked sites is limited to whatever rights are provided to you by the owner of the linked site.
  • This Website Privacy Policy is for customers and visitors, and only applies to this Site. This Site only includes its home page and pages here-under operated by Site Sponsor. This Website Privacy Policy does not apply to any linked site or any site provided by a third party. You must consult the privacy policy of such sites, in order to determine what information about you is collected and how that information is used.


  • Site Sponsor does not track its customers over time and across third party websites in order to provide targeted advertising and therefore does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. However, some third party sites do keep track of your browsing activities when they serve your content, which enables them to tailor what they present to you. If you are visiting such sites, most popular browsers (Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc) allow you to set the DNT signal on your browser so that third parties (particularly advertisers) know you do not want to be tracked. You should consult each sites privacy policy to determine how that site's operator responds to DNT signals.
  • Third parties that have content embedded on Site Sponsor's websites may set cookies on a user's browser and/or obtain information about the fact that a web browser visited a specific Site Sponsor website from a certain IP address. Third parties cannot collect any other personally identifiable information from Site Sponsor's websites unless you provide it to them directly.


  • We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal information from our Site about children under the age 13. We request that persons under the age of 18 not use our Site without supervision from a responsible adult. If a child whom we know to be under the age of 13 sends personal information to us online, we will only use that information to respond directly to that child, notify parents, or seek parental consent.

NOTE : This Website Privacy Policy Is Not A Contract: This Website Privacy Policy is not a contract and is not intended to be a contract between customers or visitors, and Site Sponsor with respect to any information practices concerning information obtained through use of this Site.

This Website Privacy Policy is provided to you for informational purposes only. You do not need to call or take any action in response to this notice. We recommend that you read and retain this notice for your personal files. Effective Date: April 2015

Copyright 2015, Tired of Debt Loan Services. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved worldwide. We may change these terms at any time and update them on this site and/or by other means as required.